“Let the little children come to me.”

Luke 18:16


Jesus’ words were so simple.  He desires little children to have the chance to see Him. Jesus wants to care for them.  At Zion Lutheran Preschool, it is our hope to always show the love of Christ to the children entrusted to our care.

Our preschool teachers share Jesus’ love with the children through their faithfulness in educating them, and also by honoring and respecting them.  Our teachers always greet our preschoolers every day with a smile and a warm hug.  Through such care, our preschoolers begin to see the love of Christ through their own teachers.

The preschoolers also have the chance to hear about Jesus through the reading of Bible stories and also chapel.  During our chapels, children have the chance to become “chapel helpers” for the day and place felt figures of that week’s Bible story onto a picture board as we see the Bible story take shape before our very eyes.  

At Zion Lutheran Preschool, we take Christ’s call to allow the children to come to Him very seriously, and we do that through loving these children, respecting them as young people made in the image of God, and by nurturing their minds and souls so they may grow into the wonderful people God made them to be.  Thank you for becoming a part of Zion Lutheran Preschool and for sharing your wonderful children with us during these very formative and precious years.   

The Lord be with you!

Rev. Edward O. Grimenstein

Pastor, Zion Lutheran Church & Preschool